Foreign Experts
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Foreign Experts
Author:HNIST   Date:2020-01-08   Visited: times



(2) Foreign Teachers Teaching Work Management

The teaching assignment of foreign teachers is arranged by the Teaching Affairs Office and the college, with the cooperation of the International Exchange Department.

The Responsibilities of the College
The appropriate management of the foreign teachers is basically the same as for that of the Chinese teachers, based on the management rules of the Teaching Affairs Office and Personnel Department of the school.
 (1) The foreign teacher’s contract will be for 1 year.  At the time that the contract is signed, the foreign teacher will come under the management of the college.  The college will notify the foreign teachers about their time schedule, and provide foreign teachers with curriculum and assessment framework, and the necessary instructional supplies, and inform them about school-related teaching management regulations and the location of their classroom(s).
 (2) During the Foreign teacher’s employment, the college will organize other teacher to attend their lectures, to understand their teaching situation, to maintain communication with the foreign teachers. They should learn from each other and timely feedback to the Teaching Affairs Office, the Personnel Department and International Exchange Department.
 (3) The college should inspect the attendance of foreign teachers and their teaching.
 (4) The college will invite and require foreign teachers to participate in faculty teaching and research activities, to inform them of important school-related information, and actively help them to solve any teaching problems.
 (5) The college will arrange co-operation between teachers in the same field, allowing teachers to learn from each other about professional knowledge, skills and teaching methods, and to collect and accumulate teaching materials from foreign teachers.  At the same time, the college will arrange for foreign teachers to cooperate professionally with key teachers from the college.
 (6) Foreign teachers’ job wages and salaries will be in accordance with the rules set by the National Foreign Experts Administration. 
 Foreign teachers will receive monthly payment. Any person who fails to comply with teaching requirements and obligations, will have their pay reduced correspondingly according to their performance.
 (7) The college will evaluate the foreign teachers teaching performance and will notify the International Exchange Department in writing of the college’s desire to renew the foreign teacher’s contract at least one week before the completion of the teaching responsibilities.  If a college wishes to renew their contract, they must notify the foreign teacher by the end of the semester.
 At the end of each semester, the college will inform the foreign teacher in writing of the next semester’s teaching tasks, when the vacation begins and when they must return for the new semester.

Work Responsibilities of Foreign Teachers
While foreign teachers are employed by the college they should strictly abide by the rules and regulations of Hunan Institute of Technology, responsibly perform their duties as teachers, do a good job teaching.
(1) Foreign teachers should teach according to the school curricula and schedule. They must responsibly prepare lessons, write and submit lesson plans. They will be encouraged to introduce advanced teaching experience and teaching methods. Foreign teachers are encouraged to use original foreign-language teaching materials.  They shall not teach things which have nothing to do with the teaching content in the name of teaching.
(2) They should pay attention to their appearance and dressing. Do not smoke or drink in public. Do not be late for class and do not leave class early, do not miss class without a reason.  If they want to ask for a leave because of illness or personal business, they should contact the college in advance and arrange make-up class (es).
(3) Give students guidance, provide ways for them to evaluate their performance in the class, and conduct the class in a manner that encourages class attendance and participation through out-of-class projects and assignments.
(4) Foreign teachers should complete their work in accordance with the college’s requirements, such as any relevant final project or examination, grades should be given and submitted along with any other required teaching materials.
(5) They should actively participate in various college activities. The College also encourages foreign teachers to make friends with students and faculty.
(6). Foreign teachers are under the inspection and supervision of the college and school.
(7) The college encourages foreign teachers to publish their papers in the academic journals on behalf of the college, and to participate in academic conferences.
(8) They are not allowed to take other jobs, unrelated with the college, without permission.
(9) Any foreign teacher that wishes to terminate employment early is required to notify the International Exchange Office and the college three months in advance.





[1] [2] [3] [4] Foreign experts

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